Addressing Critical Global Challenges

Civic Engagement

The YSEALI Academic Fellows Program theme of Civic Engagement provides participants with an overview of how citizens, both as individuals and in groups, have shaped U.S. history, government, and society. The program defines civic engagement, examines its development in the United States, and explores topics such as active citizenship, community-building, economic development, grassroots activism, gender equity, political leadership, volunteerism, voting, and the ways in which traditional and social media can be leveraged to advance civic causes. Academic sessions are complemented by hands-on sessions and workshops designed to build skills and encourage participants to develop innovative and practical plans to become engaged citizens in their own communities. 

A YSEALI Fellow volunteering at a food bank in 2022

A lady smiling after picking carrots in a blue jean jacket

Sustainability and Environment

The YSEALI Academic Fellows Program theme of Sustainability and Environment explores the role that environmental issues and policies have played in the economic, political, and social development of the United States. The program uses experiential learning techniques to expose participants to topics including climate change, climate resilience, ocean protection, renewable energy, pollution, public health and safety, emergency and disaster management, land use, sustainable development, conservation, sustainable agricultural practices, food security, illegal and unreported fishing, ecotourism, and water access, management and treatment. These topics are explored from numerous angles, including local grassroots activism and civic initiatives, impacts on underserved communities, global multilateral efforts, the private sector, and government policies and regulations.

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Empowerment

The YSEALI Academic Fellows Program theme of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Empowerment provides participants with an overview of U.S. entrepreneurial strategies and critical emerging technologies that are employed to address social issues. Participants will review the development, history, challenges, and successes of social enterprises and community leaders in the United States and globally, with specific relevance to Southeast Asia. Topics include economic and social justice initiatives, investment, social capital development, strategies for sustainable economic development, financial literacy, microfinance, organizational development and management, innovation, emerging technology, risk analysis, strategic business planning, corporate social responsibility, and underrepresented communities in entrepreneurship.

A man giving a presentation on what a Zoom Project is

YSEALI Fall 2022 Fellow communicating with a man in a suit

Society and Governance

The YSEALI Academic Fellows Program theme of Society and Governance offers an overview of governance in the United States, exploring policymaking and public management practices at both the local and national level. The program explores a variety of subtopics such as democracy and rule of law, judicial reform, public administration and management, fiscal management in public and non-profit organizations, public health and human services, public-private partnerships, public safety, transportation and urban planning, civil liberties, anti-corruption, and transparency and accountability.  Participants are encouraged to draw parallels between the United States and their home countries.